The compact flat, described as having “old vibes,” led many to check it to a chawl, criticizing the high hire for such a small area. Users on Instagram and X expressed shock and amusement, with some mocking the listing as a mirrored image of Mumbai’s skyrocketing rents and area crunch. C Sathyanathan, fifty eight, a resident of MSR Nagar in Bengaluru, raised a mortgage of Rs 60 lakh from CanFin Homes Ltd, in Sept 2014 with an interest of 11.20% per annum to buy a site to build a home. The mortgage was for a tenure of 15 years and he had to pay an EMI of Rs 68,965.
He ended up selling his 55 m2 apartment a year after entrusting it to a real estate company. The apartment sold for €615,000, properly under the preliminary value of €670,000. Her work has been printed or syndicated on Forbes Advisor, SoFi, …